
NITech was founded in 1905 in the Chubu region, a center of automobiles, aviation and machine tools industries. Known as the one of the leading engineering institutes in Japan, NITech covers almost all fields of engineering. Check our University Bulletin for more about the institute.

Located in the Aichi prefecture with approximately 40 % of Japanese gross industrial production and a home to large global companies, NITech maintains unique academia-industry cooperation network with local industries.

Studying at NITech

Situated only 10 minutes away from downtown Nagoya, NITech will provide you a truly tantalizing campus environment. Learn more about programs and research activities at NITech. The NITech Education Center for International Students on main campus supports international students and offers Japanese language courses at different levels, various cultural events and library services, communication place and a global network room. Learn more about student life at NITech from Quick Guide for International Students.


Bulletin 2018-1029 (4.4MB)             A Guide Book for International Students (815KB)



NITech offers accommodations of various types depending on your needs. International House on campus offers single, couple and family rooms. If you are staying for more than 6 months, Cosmo Village, an international dormitory for international and Japanese students is located right across the road from campus.

Living in Nagoya

NITech main campus is located in the heart of Nagoya. Learn more about the city and discover off-campus life from Nagoya convention & visitors bureau website.

Research Network

NITech’s European research network has been expanding with a unique program called “invitation of education and research unit ” by Frontier Research Institutes for Material Science and Information Science. Their Individual research units proactively recruit faculty members from renowned universities and research institutes in overseas countries and facilitate collaborative research and joint education. Special topic seminars are held by invited professors and researchers providing students a rich global vision, broad perspectives and excellent research opportunities.